I have a cold will my newborn catch it

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I have a cold will my newborn catch it

2023-04-08 19:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

0 I have a cold will my newborn catch it

Babies are prone to diseases because their immune system is not so fully developed. Simple flu聽can take a toll on your baby鈥檚 health. As a mummy, sometimes you will be worried when you fall sick. If I have a cold will my newborn catch it?

Table of Contents

Can you be around a newborn with a cold

It is recommended to keep the newborn away from anyone who’s sick.聽 If you are down with a cold, wash your hands before touching or feeding your newborn. Sanitize your newborn items liked pacifier or toys if possible. Check out the best ways to clean toys naturally.聽 Do remind anyone in the household who catch a cold to sneeze into a tissue and throw it away.

How do I know if my newborn has a cold

There will be some common symptoms that will show if your newborn has a cold. This is a list provided by mayo clinic. (Source)

Sneezing Fever Coughing Decreased appetite Difficulty in sleep irritability

You may like to seek advice from your medical care provider if you see any of the above symptoms occurring from your newborn.

Can I get my baby sick if I have a cold

Before you know that you are sick, your little one most probably has been exposed to contagious illness like a cold or flu. The good thing is that most of the colds your baby gets will help to boost their immune system.

How long does a cold last in babies

Colds are caused by viruses and they normally last for 5 to 7 days. However, there is a possibility that it may evolve into something more serious like bacterial infections. (Source) If your baby cold symptoms lasted for more than 10 days, it is advisable to seek help from your medical care provider.

2 week old baby has a cold

There are some remedies you can try at home when your 2 week old baby has a cold.聽 Give them plenty of liquids including breast milk or formula milk. Elevate their head to help ease their breathing. Moisturize the air with a humidifier. Check out some of the best humidifier for baby congestion in the market.

Babies with colds under 3 months

Babies with colds under 3 months

Normally your babies would need more cuddles and assurances from your during this period of time. Do also break down their feeds to smaller and more frequent amount. You have to also ensure that they have more sleep to recover well

It is recommended to seek urgent medical advice if you notice the following symptoms from your baby. (Source)

Periods of breathlessness Bad Cough High fever Blush or very pale skin Loss of appetite Drowsiness in your baby Vomiting not drinking Newborn baby聽cold聽home remedies

There is no miracle antidote that can cure your newborn baby cold instantly. However, there is food that helps to build your body natural immune system to fight off the viruses. You may like to consider adding garlic and onion into your newborn diet as they are food used as cold home remedies for centuries. (Source)

What do I do if I’m sick and have a newborn

Even though the risk of spreading diseases to your baby will occur during close encounters such as bathing, feeding, changing diapers- you can reduce such risks by following some simple steps.

How to keep my baby from getting sick when I鈥檓 sick

Continue Breastfeeding Him

Continue breastfeeding your little champion/princess even when sick.聽 According to a research(source), breastfeeding your child will help protect the baby from contracting the disease. Common illnesses such as flu cannot be transmitted to the baby through breastfeeding.

Additionally, breastmilk contains antibodies that will help strengthen your baby鈥檚 immune system. Doctors discourage breastfeeding if you have HIV/AIDS, human T-cell lymphotropic virus and tuberculosis or if the mother is taking antiretroviral meds or undergoing chemotherapy.

Practice healthy habits for life

Healthy habits that benefit your mental, physical, and emotional health improve overall well-being. While healthy habits can be hard to develop, practising them around your baby will help reduce the risks of infections.

It鈥檚 important to drink plenty of fluids, rest as much as possible and take care of yourself to shorten the length of your illness. Additionally, make sure you wash your hands with warm water and soap frequently before handling your baby.

ask for help from your partnerAsk for help from your partner

Communicable diseases such as common cold and influenza can be easily transmitted to your child or anyone you come into close contact with. The best way you can prevent the transmission of such diseases is by minimizing contact as possible.

You can solicit your partner or a family member to take care of your child until you鈥檙e well. However, if your baby is still breastfeeding, you can pump milk using a breast pump and ask your partner/ family member to help feed the baby.

Prevent Airborne Transmission

If your partner isn鈥檛 around to help take care of your baby, here鈥檚 what you should do. Try not to sneeze or breathe directly into your little one face and whenever possible, exit your baby鈥檚 room if you need to sneeze or a cough.

CDC recommends wearing a face mask when you鈥檙e ill and even placing a blanket between you and the baby when breastfeeding to minimize the risk of transmission. (Source)

Avoid secondhand smoke

Exposure to secondhand smoke for your newborn can increase risk of coughing, sore throats and sneezing. It is advisable to ensure that all the smokers in your household are not close to the newborn when smoking.

Avoid sharing If you or any of your household members are down with cold, avoid sharing utensils or drinks with the newborn to prevent the spread of the illness.

To conclude I have a cold will my newborn catch it

I hope that the above information helps to answer this commonly asked question “I have a cold will my newborn catch it?” As long as all the precautions are taken, you can minimise the chances of spreading the illness in the household to your newborn.

On a side note, mummies also have to take care of your own body before having the energy to care for your newborn. Family support from your spouse and parents would be crucial at this point in time.

Share your experiences in the comments below or feel free to ask if you have any questions. You may also be keen to learn about tips to reach infant developmental milestones by month and how to have a happy newborn baby.

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